Grooming your most prized possessions
Our SkinSafe technology ensures that you can crop your mop without the worry of any unfortunate mishaps. You can adjust the guide combs to choose your preferred length, whether you like a Buzz-cut or a Bald Eagle.

The chassis is completely waterproof, meaning you can conveniently take care of your manscaping in the shower, if you wish.

A Third Arm to Assist your private parts
Think of this as your third arm, ready to take care of your intimate area needs with no extra effort.
Don’t stand in the way of polishing your jewels
Most men are too embarrassed to ask advice on how best to tackle the trim, and resort to using regular razors which can lead to tugging, painful nicks and ingrown hairs. Other, braver souls steal the household scissors for their secretive snipping, leading to…awkward conversations. We want to break the silence and fight the taboo, so that you can enjoy pampering your undercarriage and take pride in your personal hygiene.
The SHAVET Trimmer